Do You Want Low-Carb Meals? Desserts?

How to prepare “Keto” Pasta (with Real Pasta!)

January 12, 2023

I know you miss all the pasta! The problem is, it’s 1000% a carb. So by doing this prep method you are turning them into a resistant starch. Resistant starch is a carbohydrate that resists digestion in the small intestine, then ferments in the large intestine. By avoiding the small intestine breakdown of this starch you do not ingest it. Instead, you create something called Butyrate which is fantastic for your gut health! Just when you thought you were simply trying to have pasta again, you find out there’s a bonus!

The great news is this will work even with filled types of pasta like tortellini!


-Bring water to a boil

-Add pasta and boil for enough time for Al Dente pasta depending on type (do not overboil!)

-Remove from heat and drain excess water.

-Mix pasta with about 1-2 tbsp of oil (olive oil, avacado oil, etc. Pick whatever oil you think will taste the best with your sauce)

-Mix and freeze for at least 45 minutes – 1 hour. Or refrigerate overnight. These can be frozen if you thaw them in the refrigerator before reheating.

-When you are ready to eat them:
***If you froze them for several hours or overnight, thaw in the refrigerator. If you only froze them for 45 minutes or refrigerated them overnight, start with the next step.

-Slowly reheat by simmering in your sauce on the stove. The key here is “slowly”




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